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Filming for Gardener's World

Gardener’s World came to our garden on 20th May this year to film a short feature on my hardy orchids and wildflower meadows. It is due to be shown soon – on the “Winter Special”, BBC2, Friday 9th December at 8pm if you are interested. The photo shows presenter Nick Bailey interviewing me in hastily arranged seating near my orchid greenhouse and almost in our vegetable beds! It was a completely new experience for me of course, and though exciting was quite hard work due to the number of takes involved. I was left with great admiration for the whole crew of five who were extremely professional in a long day from 8am to gone 4pm. This was despite having the Chelsea flower show start 2 days later and also our day starting off in pouring rain. Fortunately it had dried and brightened by mid-day. I hadn’t realised just how much background noise from traffic, power tools, airplanes etc can interfere and cause delays. The other photo is of plants in the greenhouse on that day, featuring Green-winged orchids and some Dactylorhiza hybrids.

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