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27.06.23 Pyramidal Surprise

We have been away for a few days and came back to find this Pyramidal orchid (Anacamptis pyramidalis) flowering on the front meadow. It has grown in situ from sown seed and is the first of its species so far – a surprise and a lovely bonus! This takes the tally to four species of orchid growing this way now, over the two meadows combined.

Apparently there was rain while we were away, a rare occurrence in the south coast summer these days. It must have been substantial because the water butts were empty but are now full. Just in time to delay the meadows from turning crispy, but we do need more.

In the back meadow is a single plant of Meadow cranesbill (Geranium pratense) that I planted there as a “plug” a few years ago. They are one of my favourite wildflowers and add a great dash of blue. It keeps going year on year but no other plants have appeared from seed, unfortunately. Although widespread in the U.K. it is said to prefer lime soil rather than our clay. Also my feeling is it seems to be much more common in road verges etc as you head west and not as common around here in the south east – perhaps they also like a slightly damper climate?

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