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11.06.24 Meadow Orchids Thriving

The Front Meadow is looking great this year, and not suffering from the overgrowth of tall vegetation that the Back Meadow is. Common spotted orchids (Dactylorhiza fuchsii) have increased from last year and there are probably enough to even stop counting them now (37, in case you were wondering).

Even more exciting is the presence of 8 flowering Southern marsh orchids (Dactylorhiza praetermissa), up from 3 last year, I think. The Spotteds are approaching their peak whilst the Southerns are a little way behind. These orchids have all arisen from nothing over 4.5 years via seed scattering and wildflower meadow management.

Other flowering plants of note include Oxeye daisies (many, too many almost), Buttercups, Ribwort plantains, Yellow rattle, and Red clover. There are a few Ragged robins, and some Orange hawkweed just coming out.

This year the Common knapweed seems to be more apparent and is flowering, which doesn’t usually happen until almost July. Things are generally quite early this year.


Photos: 1. Common spotted and Southern marsh orchids , 2. Southern marsh orchid , 3. Common spotted orchids, 4. Front Meadow wildflowers


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